Acupuncture is a very old technique, imported from China, that is gaining more acceptance in the West, chiefly for its ability to provide pain relief for a variety of ailments.
In a recent issue of JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) Internal Medicine there is a summary of a study of 18,000 participants who received either real acupuncture, fake acupuncture (for the purpose of the study) or no acupuncture at all. Their findings were that acupuncture relieved pain in many cases.
What is acupuncture?
How does acupuncture work?
What conditions can be helped by acupuncture?
- fibromyalgia
- debilitating menstrual cramps and endometriosis
- osteoarthritis
- low back pain (particularly in pregnant women)
- sports injuries (including tennis elbow)
- pain and nausea related to cancer treatments
- depression and anxiety